Dawson Group is extremely proud to be named Contractor of the Year in both paving and road/bridge maintenance by the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI).

Dawson Construction was awarded the 2021 Award for Paving for their work on Highway 97 from Campbell Road to 100 Mile House and Begg Road to Enterprise Road. They were recognized for not only paving at night to avoid disruption to the travelling public, but also staying on schedule and completing the project with 100% smoothness and within MoTI’s end-product specification criteria.
Dawson Construction was also highlighted for donating a portion of the left-over asphalt millings to a local ski group and volunteering to resurface the four kilometre stretch of road to the ski hill.
Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM) was also awarded a Contractor of the Year award for Road and Bridge Maintenance. DRM was highlighted for providing exceptional maintenance in the South Cariboo, which includes the municipalities of 100 Mile House, Cache Creek, Clinton, Ashcroft and Lillooet, for their quick response to emergency events and for their reliable road updates on DriveBC, Facebook and Twitter.
DRM crews also received additional praise for their work preparing for flooding, landslides and avalanches, as well as for their enhanced rest area services and protocols in response to COVID-19 and for their volunteer efforts – food bank drives, delivering sandbags and clearing snow at fire departments.
The Dawson Group is so thankful for the recognition and could not have achieved this level of success without our amazing teams!
B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (2021, December). B.C. Transportation Contractor of the Year Awards of Excellence. URL: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/celebrating-british-columbia/celebrating-excellence-transportation/contractor-of-the-year-awards-2021